Silicon Valley MapSilicon Valley Map

Silicon Valley Map Jump here

This is a map of tech companies and start-ups in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. The heatmap intensity corresponds to valuation/market cap of the company.


How did you collect the data?

I initially manually collected the data. Ideally I would use the Crunchbase API but that is not free, and this is a free website.

Is there a way to contribute/add more companies?

Yes! Please submit the companies through the feedback form.

Would it be possible to access the data in a CSV or JSON format for download?

Yes, for students it is $2 and for businesses it's $10. If interested, please contact us.

Can I use a screenshot of the website in a publication?

Sure! Please include a link to the website.

Anything else?

You may find Public Transportation Visualization (Beta) interesting.

How do I contact you?

You can use this feedback form.

Who are you?

I'm Alec, and I like to build stuff and write.